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Saturday 15 March 2014

Weekend Workshop

I'm spending this weekend doing a workshop in Lynemouth, with Stella Adams-Schofield.  She's an internationally renowned textile artist, and this workshop is part of the Arts Council funded Bait Project in Northumberland.  Our work will be exhibited later on this year.  Stella gave us the Miner's Strike of 1984 as a starting point, but we could choose anything relevant that tells a story through textiles.  After doing some research I decided to show a timeline from women and children down the pits during the Industrial Revolution, through nationalisation and the failed strike 30 years ago that broke the power of the NUM, to the present day and hope for the future.  The workshop is being held in the Lynemouth resource centre, which has a fantastic space with sewing machines, etc, to work in.  I've taken my inspiration from the Union banners, which I'm reinterpreting as modern day prayer flags. I may end up making them in such a way that they can form a fabric book.  I haven't quite decided yet.  These are some of the images I'm using:


  1. What a marvellous idea ~ I love that you are preserving precious memories and creating history both at the same time!

    1. Thank you Josie. All the work we created will be on display at the beginning of May in the Maritime Centre, Newbiggin.
